The show follows the misadventures of the infamous Black Hat, a vulgar and sharply dressed narcissistic inhuman fiend who does his part to make the world a little more vile and its heroes a little more dead. Aiding him (with varying degrees of consent) are his cohorts, meek scientist Dr. Flug, the neurotic and adorably failed bestial genetic experiment 5.0.5, and his biggest (and most violently deranged) fan-girl Demencia. Written by Cameron Iacono
主演:麦肯娜·格瑞丝,马尔赛·马丁,芬恩·李-埃普,塔拉吉·P·汉森,罗恩·帕尔多,克里斯蒂安·康佛瑞,卡勒姆·肖尼克,克里斯蒂安·科劳,拉克斯顿·汉斯贝克,尼兰·帕尔西潘,里尔·莱尔·哈瓦瑞,詹姆斯·麦斯登,克里斯汀·贝尔,金·卡戴珊,泰勒·派瑞,布里斯·冈萨雷斯,艾伦·S·金,诺斯·威斯特,圣·威斯特,Joshua Graham